Annika Warrior Princess!!!

Annika has been one of our Children and the Earth kiddos for quite a while now. She’s such a sweet and innocent little Angel!!The last two weeks have been full of decisions for her and her family.After consulting with many doctors they have decided to have Annika’s surgery in New York. There is a doctor there that specializes in neuroblastoma surgeries.
Annika will have three tumors removed (the one along her spine and the two active lesions in her liver).
We are nervous, but hopeful about the surgery. The liver lesions are very deep and the para spinal tumor removal will be risky. They will be headed to New York in 3 weeks, right after we celebrate big sister Lily’s birthday. We will keep you all updated. In the mean time we are looking for flight accommodations for this family of four to get to New York, and pay expenses etc. If you would like to assist, please call 801-8600725

Thank you for all your love and support!

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