Meet sweet Karma, she’s 10 years old and was just diagnosed as terminal.Here is her story Children and the Earth is helping to fulfill her bucket list..see below. If you would like to donate, please do so through the “make a donation” button and reference Karma. Thank you!!
Karmas bucket list-
Learn to drive a car
Go to prom
Get a henna tattoo
Shopping spree at city creek
Ride in a lambo
Virtual reality
Paint the town gold
Be a Mad scientist
Create her dream foundation, Be a “powl” (pal)
Meet Ellen
Outdoor / camolike sleep over with big movie screen (like movie in the park)
Big donoation for childhood cancer research, (primary childrens)
And she says mama, if only I could give you less worries, I would give you a “minivan” so we could all go somewhere together and i would want you to not worry about losing the house or how your going to repair the many things wrong with our home.
Karma knows I don’t want a minivan but she teases me all the time.