Ride the Brainwave 2021!

The Best 5k, Motorcycle Rally, UTV street leagal ride of the year all rolled into one big exciting day!!!!
Scheduled for June 26, 2021 at The South Jordan Equestrian Park . Come meet some of our kids that are true Warriors.

It will be a day that we pay it forward. We have 50 local kids and families that we will walk and ride for to help pay there medical bills and therapy and in a couple cases funeral expenses. . You can pre-register soon. Hope to see you all there. Remember you can choose the cause you want to ride for that day.
This event gives our families a chance to help raise money for medical and other bills that are associated with there kiddos. If you need more info you can call me Jodi 801-347-1992 Or Amber 801-860-0725 We are also looking for silent  auction and drawing items..Greatly appreciate any contributions to help raise more money for our kiddos. Thank you!

Here is the link to buy your tickets


Also you can start bidding on all of our silent auction items..we have an amazing selection, and all donations go to our kids..Click below!


Recent Recipients